Porrhomma boreale (Banks, 1899) is changed to P. borealis
Porrhomma boreale (Banks, 1899) was made available as Gongylidium borealis, Banks 1899. Borealis is only an adjective in Classical Latin, but it was substantivized as a noun in Medieval Latin, according to the Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch. The ICZN notes in the Glossary that Latin “includes both ancient and mediaeval Latin”. Verrill did not make any statement indicating that borealis was to be considered as an adjective or a noun, nor that it was derived from a non-Latin or non-Greek word. According to ICZN 31.2.2, the species name must be considered as a noun in apposition to the genus, and the original spelling is to be retained.
Porrhomma borealis (Banks, 1899) is the correct name.
- Banks, N. (1899a). Arachnida. In: Ashmead, W. H. (ed.) Reports upon the insects, mites and myriapods collected by Dr. L. Stejneger and Mr. G.E.H. Barrett-Hamilton on the Commander Islands. Report of Fur-Seal Investigations, 1896-97, 328-351 (pt. IV, Appendix C, pp. 347-350).
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