Codex Mutabilis is a journal for publishing short notes on mandatory changes to species names according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
ICZN Formality
All posts are to be considered as published acts, when they are also included in Zoobank. After a post is published, it is then submitted to Zoobank, and the URI is added at the bottom of the post. If the URI is not at the bottom of the post, it is not to be considered a published act.
Unlike other publishing avenues, this journal is by default currently not peer-reviewed. It is, however, indexed.
In order to submit, send a pull request to the GitHub repo with a post included. Interested authors can also send an email with the text of their suggested changes to the main editor. All suggestions on how to improve this process would be welcome.
This site is intended to be a permanent record. All archives of this site will be made available through archive.org, and all posts are archived by the National Libray of New Zealand.
This site is not affiliated with any company, organization, product, or institution. It is not an advertisement website. It is not a personal blog. For all intents and purposes, this journal is published in Aotearoa New Zealand.
All posts will need to be assigned DOIs, which will function as permanent identifiers. As well, it would be worth publishing a PDF of each of the posts - although this is not strictly necessary. Another option is to assign version numbers to each post, and to upload them automatically to Zenodo.
Work will be tracked in the GitHub repository’s issue tracker.
The current editorial team is:
- Richard Littauer. Editor-in-chief.
- Jessamyn West. Librarian.
Other people interested in becoming editors should apply by sending an email to editors@codexmutabilis.com.